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KDC Fishing Report
><))'>            For June 2010           <'((><


NAME --------------------- Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline .net

DATE ---------------------- Sat & Sun 6/26 & 27

TIMES --------------------- Early till late

CONDITIONS ------------- Afternoons were bad

AREA FISHED ------------- all over


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- If you haven't been out on the lake, you have missed some of the best action of the year. The guys I spoke to who fished this weekend contest reported some of the best fishing of the season.


NAME --------------------- Mark Modoski

E-MAIL --------------------- markmodoski@gmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 6/23

TIMES --------------------- All day

CONDITIONS ------------- Hot

AREA FISHED ------------- Yacht Club, Pinetree, Byram


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait and Trolling

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring/Rapalas

NOTES --------------------- I did more guiding than fishing, but did manage a personal best pickerel that was probably north or 4 pounds. We had a nice mix of largemouth, smallmouth, pickerel, crappie, perch and a bluegill. A musky probably around 35-inches hit a 3-inch perch-colored Rapala on the troll in Byram and was set free a little too soon after it flopped out of the too-small net. Great day, hot.


NAME --------------------- jerry freeman

E-MAIL --------------------- jfreeman65@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- 6-20 fathers day

TIMES --------------------- 6am-9am

CONDITIONS ------------- calm

AREA FISHED ------------- shore lines

FISHING METHOD ------- drift and troll near shore

BAIT/LURES USED ------- worm,live herring, spoon

NOTES --------------------- 3lb 7oz largemouth hit a gold spoon tossed under a boathouse door-- hit it hard--- weighed at Dows-- fish jumped out of my dock holding tank before i could get a picture, freed himself


NAME --------------------- Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Thurs. 6/17

TIMES --------------------- 6:30AM to 9:30AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Not bad until the wind picked up

AREA FISHED ------------- Elba Pt. & Bryam Cove


FISHING METHOD ------- Live bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- Morning started off real nice then the wind kicked up. Best fish was a 2lb 8oz Smallmouth.


NAME --------------------- Chris Pereira

E-MAIL --------------------- Chrisper4694@hotmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 6/14/10

TIMES --------------------- 6:30pm-10pm

CONDITIONS ------------- warm and mostly sunny, very little wind

AREA FISHED ------------- Great Cove


FISHING METHOD ------- Live bait and spin casting crank baits

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Slip bobber and free lined herring; and various rapalas, spiners, and swim baits

NOTES --------------------- Started off ok with two little large mouth bass and a small perch. Then missed a few on the live herring lines. Caught a few brown cats that were healthy and didn't have growths on them which was nice for once. Then I caught a little brown cat with someone's steel leader/offset hook stuck in his mouth. So if you were using that rig and got snapped off, I'm sorry to give you the bad news that it wasn't a monster, but a 1 lb brown cat...he must have cut your line on a rock or something.


NAME --------------------- Lou Marcucci

E-MAIL --------------------- loumarcucci@optonline.net

DATE ---------------------- Mon. 6/14

TIMES --------------------- 6AM to 10AM

CONDITIONS ------------- Fog, Heavy Mist

AREA FISHED ------------- Byram Bay


FISHING METHOD ------- Live Bait

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Herring

NOTES --------------------- Not a bad morning on the lake, caught just about everything. Nothing to weigh in though.



NAME --------------------- Mike Urban

E-MAIL --------------------- michaelurban@yahoo.com

DATE ---------------------- June 8, 2010

TIMES --------------------- 4:00pm-8:30pm

CONDITIONS ------------- Cool and very windy

AREA FISHED ------------- Byram Bay, between islands, Brady and Elba


FISHING METHOD ------- In about 15 feet of water fished weed edges

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Rapalas, herring weighted and live lining

NOTES ---------------------  Fishing was slow. Had one nice hit in Byram and never saw the fish as it got off. Michael Defelice fished first time on Lake Hopatcong and caught 2 nice crappie on rapalas and I caught 1 with herring. Also caught some perch and panfish.


NAME --------------------- Chris Pereira

E-MAIL --------------------- Chrisper4694@hotmail.com

DATE ---------------------- 6/4/10

TIMES --------------------- 6:30pm-9:30pm

CONDITIONS ------------- Warm and cloudy, light wind

AREA FISHED ------------- Nolan's Point

FISHING METHOD ------- Freelined & weighted live bait & spincasting lures

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Live herring, chicken livers, and various lures

NOTES --------------------- For a while now including this night I haven't been able to get much on lures. Got some sunnies on spinners this time, that was all. My herring kept getting taken by brown cats and I think a snapping turtle bit a few of them in half so I went through my herring pretty fast. After going through about a dozen brown cats a hybrid striper hit a chicken liver. It was about 4 and a quarter lbs. released it.


NAME --------------------- Jim White

E-MAIL --------------------- boxmaker7000@aol.com

DATE ---------------------- 6/2/2010

TIMES --------------------- 6am- 12pm

CONDITIONS ------------- calm and sunny

AREA FISHED ------------- Henderson Cove

WATER TEMPERATURE-- didnt check it

FISHING METHOD ------- Top water

BAIT/LURES USED ------- Chug Bug

NOTES ---------------------  Started out in Lee's cove and ended up in Henderson cove. Was a beautiful day out there. Ever since the weeds have been taking over some of the places i was fishing just 2 weeks ago, I have been looking for less weedy coves. I ended up in henderson cove fihing some of the docks and caught a few nice bass including this 3.5 pounder. Am still waitting to catch some hybrids.









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